Introductory Dive (Eilat)
Eilat introductory dive (one dive)
Every day of the week by appointment / 09:00-17:00
So you have never dived before, but you would like to give it a go . . .
diving at the “red sea” for a first under water experience is perfect.
An Introductory Dive does not get you a qualification you can use later on. but it might get you hooked and next time you will probably go through a full scuba diving course.
the intro dive is about 30 min’ under water (or max 45min’)
to a depth of 18 feet, accompanied by a privat instructor to each intro diver. availble from the age of 8 to 88.
before visiting the under water world you will need to read and sign a health declartion
no flying for two hours after the introductory dive
Discover Diving in Eilat (Two dives)
Every day of the week by appointment / 09:00-17:00
“Discovering scuba” is designed for those interested in a sense of independence under water.
After a few introductory dives usually divers have curiosity for the next level and still without committing to a full diving course.
The “Discovering scuba” program includes:
Short theory session – you’ll learn about diving equipment and the underwater new environment
two independent and quite fun dives:
The first dive – confined-water skills session.
The second dive – a fun dive toa dive site rich fish and coral
to a depth of 18 feet
Duration – about 4 hours
Total under water dive time 50min’.
small study and diving groups. max 4 participants per group.